Do Moths and Butterflies Get Along?

Moths and butterflies belong to the same group of insects, which is the order of Lepidoptera. As such, they share more than a few similarities, making it confusing to distinguish them sometimes. Despite their shared ancestry, are moths and butterflies hostile towards one another or do they get along?  Typically, moths and butterflies can coexist … Read more

Moths And Sleep (No One Talks About)

Sleep is such a fundamental process for humans that it may seem impossible to sustain life without it. But sleeping habits in animals can be quite different than ours, especially in invertebrates. So, how exactly does a moth sleep? Similar to other insects, moths enter a sleep-like state to rest and recharge. They sleep during … Read more

Does Touching a Moth Kill it? (No more uncertainty!)

Touching a moth for the first time can lead to some confusion and tension. It feels as if their skin is crumbling into dust and coming off. This might give an unsuspecting person the impression that touching a moth will kill it. But is that true?  Simply touching a moth will not kill it instantly … Read more

Moths And Water And Rain (with Captivating Vids and Facts)

Moths are fascinating and one of the most diverse species on the planet, constantly catching the intrigue of entomologists, wildlife researchers, and avid bug collectors alike. One of their most talked-about aspects in the scientific community is their relation to rain and water. How do they fair during rainfall or in aquatic conditions?  Most species … Read more

Why Do Moths Stay in One Place? (Easy Explained)

Moths are an interesting species that we’ve certainly had individual experiences with. Many people often find moths in different places of their homes, as they often fly inside to warm places to keep from the cold. These insects are completely harmless and are often eaten by birds and larger insects as they are completely defenseless. … Read more

Where Do Moths Go During the Day? (And Why)

Moths are known as the symbol of change and transgression. Many people don’t actually know that many moths are actually butterflies in the making. With time, butterflies will drop their moth skin and fly off. However, what do they do in the meantime? Many people ask this question since they can’t remember the last time … Read more