How Long Does It Take for a Wasp to Die in a House?

It’s not uncommon for a wasp to wander into a house and not know how to get out anymore. This is actually quite common, and unless it’s the queen, other wasps will not follow it. Many homeowners don’t want to kill these animals, so they just let them die from natural causes, but this may … Read more

Why Do Roaches Die Upside Down? (3-Minute Read)

If you’ve ever sprayed a cockroach with a bug spray, then you must have surely noticed that they’ll turn on their back when they die. This is actually a characteristic of many bugs, as there are literally thousands of species that will lie on their back once you kill them. For this particular reason, many … Read more

Will Sleeping with The Lights on Keep Bedbugs Away?

Bedbugs are a nuisance, to say the least. They’ll get all over your mattress and your sheets and they’ll be biting you all night long. Although there are ways to get rid of them (the most effective one being calling the exterminator and buying a new mattress), people wonder if there are alternatives, perhaps a … Read more

Why Do Moths Stay in One Place? (Easy Explained)

Moths are an interesting species that we’ve certainly had individual experiences with. Many people often find moths in different places of their homes, as they often fly inside to warm places to keep from the cold. These insects are completely harmless and are often eaten by birds and larger insects as they are completely defenseless. … Read more

What Are the White Things Ants Are Carrying?

Ants are absolutely fascinating creatures with many people being absolutely intrigued by the way their communities function. These small beasts seem to hone the power of something much stronger. Many people have also noticed that ants seem to be carrying something white, resembling a small white ball, and they’ve wondered what it was. So, what … Read more

Where Do Moths Go During the Day? (And Why)

Moths are known as the symbol of change and transgression. Many people don’t actually know that many moths are actually butterflies in the making. With time, butterflies will drop their moth skin and fly off. However, what do they do in the meantime? Many people ask this question since they can’t remember the last time … Read more

Dogs: Does Head and Shoulders Kill Fleas? (And How)

Head and Shoulders is a beloved brand of shampoo that’s used by millions around the world. It’s earned its reputation and popularity by launching quality products that are known to keep hair from developing dandruff. However, many people wonder if it would be okay to use their everyday Head and Shoulders shampoo on their dog? … Read more

Can Black Ants Jump? (Quick Facts)

Ants are an incredibly fascinating species and there’s never a shortage of things about them that make our jaws drop. We’ve all seen flying ants, and now there’s apparently a species of ants that can jump. However, since this is relatively unexplored, there are many people wondering exactly what subspecies of ant this is, and … Read more

Does Lice Shampoo Kill Bed Bugs? (Important Facts)

Even though bed bugs are related to lice, they’re not as nearly as tenacious as their cousins. However, they’re known to wander to different areas of the body, including the hair. It probably makes everyone’s hair rise when they even think of bugs in their hair, but everyone should know how to get rid of … Read more